Pocket Stress Buster
Sign-upProfound psychological change | Clear the blocks that impede you Learn | Practice | Support
Profound psychological change | Clear the blocks that impede you Learn | Practice | Support
My name is Victoria Walford. I am a specialist in EMDR (Eye Movement Densitiisation and Reprocessing). I have healed from my own experience of trauma and have also studied how to treat trauma. Now I help other people, like you, feel great again. Whatever is bothering you I am here to help. Please read on.
Working with me is about relieving yourself from your trauma and how it is playing out in your life now. Humans are social creatures – loneliness kills. Being in relation to others, be it at work, at home or on the sporting field is centre to your health. Trauma creates distrust, some times at a conscious level but mostly subconsciously. This distrust creates negative self-beliefs and a subsequent negative self-fulling prophecy. Distrust is grown out of your lived experience, and out of distress lying unprocessed in your nervous system. All your unwanted thoughts, feelings and actions (bad habits) are founded on this distrust. Your own internal story will guide you today. And though this story is true, and valid, it may not suit who you wish to be today, or it may be steering you away from what you wish to achieve.
As you work with me to relieve whatever brings you to me, I will mentor and coach you to the extent that you need to reach your goals; daily, weekly and monthly. You can consider working with me as preventative or curative. Let’s discuss!
Healing trauma is hard. For some it remains in the subconscious and expresses itself in the physicality via migraines or IBS and chronic fatigue. Or it may express itself via explosive or tumultuous relationships where deep seated distrust plays out, and for others it is more explicitly expressed via intrusive thoughts and poor coping habits. These are just some examples of how trauma can differ…Healing trauma is not quick. It requires a determined mindset and patience. You need brutal honesty. You need to face your pain. You need to develop buckets of self-empathy, non-judgemental reflective skills and lastly boundaries. I will help you do all of that!
If you are interested in self-improvement and mental health you may well have discovered EMDR. You may also think that it is reserved for the traumatised individual or for other manifestations of severe stress that show up in the therapy room. EMDR did indeed grow out of the world of psychotherapy focusing on trauma in the 1970s yet since then academic research has revealed its true power to help everyone, anywhere and everyday. The biological mechanism of action that makes EMDR so powerful is memory reprocessing. If you want to relieve yourself from the blocks that stop you from doing even better then this programme is for you. Together we will re-write your past so you can start to chose your future. And all along doing so you will also learn how to do memory reprocessing for yourself to make sure you have the skill to keep succeeding..
In fact, if you were to use memory reprocessing like a personal gym instructor you too would benefit from its health giving properties, helping to create total wellbeing.
Award winning, and developed within UCL’s leading research based ed-tech programme EDUCATE. Pocket Stress Buster is a place for you to dispel unwanted feelings, take control of your thoughts and achieve your lifetime goals. Grounded in science and dedicated to your best daily life, we are here for the long-term.
Think of us like the gym for your mind; we train the brain to build resilience against things like worries, stress, anxiety and depression – before they strike. Our unique blend of trauma-informed trainings are delivered via an accessible programme, and help you better understand and train both sides of your brain (the old brain and the new brain). Pocket Stress Buster is an online place for you to discover in privacy.
I offer unrivalled support whilst as you go through the programme, utilising Zoom, WhatsApp and the web. There’s more; PSB is an online members-only hub with a wealth of resources for you. Our private Community is a place for you to engage in themed conversations; sometimes it is reassuring to know that your thoughts and feelings are actually, quite normal and others can remind you of this. We support you remotely and continuously. For more reasons to join read on;
Good health is a way of being. We aim to continuously accompany you along your journey in fulfilling a happy and healthier life. As such, we see membership as an on-going concept – as we learn, you can too. We have plans for you and this is just the start.
The premise is simple- learn, practice and engage.
1 Learn Each week focuses on teaching you a new method to understand the interaction between your body and mind.
What’s Covered2 Practice We help you to practice what we preach so you can find what works for you.
What’s Covered3 Engage We are more than a place of theoretical self-learning, we encourage you to engage with others and foster stronger relationships. We will also teach you tricks of the trade via Community Circulars and more.
What’s CoveredWe’ve counted at least 13 Reasons why to invest in PSB. Please read the ‘About’ section for more details on each topic.
Dispel unwanted feelings; take control of stressors, and make positive change today!
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